Home Evcil hayvanlar Büyük Köpekler İçin Hafızalı Köpük Destekli Ortopedik Köpek Yatağı-Gri
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy
Sale price $78.44
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Büyük Köpekler İçin Hafızalı Köpük Destekli Ortopedik Köpek Yatağı-Gri

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Orthopedic Dog Bed with Memory Foam Support for Large Dogs-Gray - Minihomy

Büyük Köpekler İçin Hafızalı Köpük Destekli Ortopedik Köpek Yatağı-Gri

Özellikler: Renk: Gri/Bej Malzeme: 35D Hafızalı Köpük TPU Polyester Kristal Süper Yumuşak Kumaş Genel Boyutlar: 43"x 26" x 2"(U x G x Y) Net Ağırlık: 3 lbs

-Büyük köpek yatağı, büyük ve orta boy köpekler için yeterli dinlenme alanı sunar
- Nefes alabilen yumurta kasası hafızalı köpük, uygun destek için orta yumuşaklığa sahiptir
-Kristal süper yumuşak kumaş tüylü dostlarınızın rahat bir uyku çekmesini sağlayacaktır
-Alttaki parçacıklar kaymayı önlemek için sürtünmeyi artırır
- Aşınmaya dayanıklı polyester kılıf, keskin pençelerin çizilmesine dayanabilir
- Su geçirmez kılıf ve TPU astarı evcil hayvan idrar lekelerine karşı çift koruma sağlar
-Fermuarlı kılıf makinede yıkanabilir (ağartıcı kullanmayın ve kurutmayın)